Phuwish Sripattrapan (ภูวิศ ศรีภัทราพันธุ์)

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R' U' F D2 U2 R B2 F2 U2 L' U2 R B2 L B2 F' R U' R2 F' U2 L' R2 D' R' U' F
U' B2 R B R' D' R U' D2 L2 D' R' D L' F R' F' L' F R F' D' F2 L B2 R F2 D
(D' F2 R' B2 L' F2 $ R U)//ps223(8/8)
U' B2 R B R' D' R D//twisted 2C2C(8/16)
$ = R D L2 D' R' D L2 + D'//(8-3/21)
+ = L F R' F' L' F R F'(8-1/28)

bad time management again 😞 
EO starts at least for me is all shit
but I found this low effort ps223 and switching gave me a 16 to 2 comm

optimal was 26 from different (8-3)3 move into the skeleton and another (8-3) instead of -1 
but it is hard to see for me 
gotta practice insertion more

I normally average high 27 to low 28
but in the last like 10 solves I average very high 28 I think that's because I'm still in the process of trying new things(like implementing EO more into my solves) so some time during the solve I'm getting a bit confused about myself but I do think that I'm gonna be better soon.
February 6, 2025 8:25 PM
R' U' F B' R' B U' F B U2 R' B L D' L2 D R2 U2 R2 B2 U' R2 L2 B2 R' U' F
L' F D' F R B D2 B L' B' R2 B L B' D' B D B2 D B U D2 B U' F2 U B' U' F2 L2 D' L2 D2
L' F D' F R //EO(5/5)
B D2 R2//222(3/8)
D' B D B2 D B D2 L2 D' L2 D2//5C(11/19)

+14 insertion w/ 8-2 & 8-0 I think I don't need to show that

but I miss a 31 (it's a 8-3 first comm after the first move IDK how I did not find that 😭)

overall a really bad solve, I was too obsessed with PDR after 222 but didn't get a good thing from it so I need to force myself to find this panic 5C solution 
February 5, 2025 8:36 PM
R' U' F B2 U F' D' B U L D' F' R B2 D' B2 L2 D F2 R2 U' F2 B2 D R' U' F
U R U R' F2 R' F2 R F U2 F R U' R2 L' F2 R B2 R B' D B D' F D B' U'
(U D' $ F' B R' B2)//222(6/6)
(R' F2 L R2 U R' F' U2)//psF2L(8/14)
U R U R' F2 R' F2 R F//short LL algs to 3C(9/23)

$ =  F' D B D' F D B' D'//(8-4/27)

strong start!! 💪 
great time management
Found 16 to 3E3C from the same start and the best I could do is 31
so I just quickly insert this instead in like 6 mins left
I finish writing and checking  the solution in like 15 sec left🥶
and lucky insertion too
February 4, 2025 9:16 PM